Net worth is the total value of your assets (what you own) minus your liabilities (what you owe). It’s essentially a snapshot of your financial health.
Net worth is used to measure your overall financial position. By comparing assets and liabilities, you can gauge whether you are building wealth or facing financial challenges. This metric is key when planning for major life events like retirement, buying a home, or budgeting for education expenses. Tracking net worth over time helps you understand whether your financial strategies are effective.
Discussing your net worth with your financial advisor provides a clear starting point for your financial plan. It allows both of you to assess your current situation and develop strategies tailored to your needs. Transparency about net worth helps build trust and ensures that both parties are working from the same baseline.
Moreover, regular reviews of net worth facilitate discussions about progress toward long-term goals. It opens up dialogue on how to optimize asset allocation, reduce liabilities, and increase savings—all of which are crucial for a robust financial future.